About Us

We all grow up with the weight of history on us.
Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies. I can still smell the sweat and can find the stains of dirt when I think about them. For us (read me), they have left the legacy of being the one of the oldest and leading publishing centres of Karnataka, Sahithya Bhandara, established in 1934 by Shri M. Govindarao and Shri M. AnanthaMurthy (Eldest GrandFather and GrandFather ) and Sahithya Prakashana, established in 1986 by my Father M.A. Subramanya and equally supported by my Mother Shylaja Subramanya.
This new publication – “Subbu” is dedicated to my Father who breathes, eats, sleeps and dreams about Kannada books and publishing them, effectively marketing to reach most kannadigas. His mode of enticing and inspiring to reach and rejuvenate Kannada readers is unique and unparalleled beyond the duty and business of publishing books.
You are my inspiration “Papa”.
If only there could be more dads like you, this country could witness many more successful entrepreneurs.
-Rithwik Subramanya

Hindusim , India & it’s Antiquity
Hinduism , India and It’s Antiquity organised by “Subbu” Publications held at Bengaluru on 2nd Feb 2020

Books on Indology

- 12209 BCE
- Bhishma Nirvana
- God Experience God Realisation
- Hindu Society And The Dynamics of Spiritual Evolution
- Insights Into the Chandogya Upanishad
- Relevance of Kautilya Today
- Samanya Dharma
- Semitic Challenges
- Sri Aurobindo Secularist or Nationalist