
Indian Perspective of Truth and Beauty in Homer’s Epics

Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹450.00.

Indian Perspective of Truth and Beauty in Homer’s Epics is a unique work on the comparative study of the Greek Epics Iliad and Odyssey with the Indian Epics – Rāmāyaṇa and Mahābhārata. Homer, who laid the foundations for the classical tradition of the West, occupies a stature similar to that occupied by the seer-poets Vālmīki and Vyāsa, who are synonymous with the Indian culture. The author draws principles from Indian aesthetics and philosophy to analyse Homer’s epics. The work includes sections which throw light on the cardinal values of puruṣārthas as well as aesthetic principles such as rasa, dhvani, and alaṅkāra as visualized by Homer. This study not only helps understand the Greco-Roman culture better but also establishes the universality of the principles of Sanātana-dharma.
Author: Arjun Bharadwaj
MRP: Rs. 500

Release Date: 23rd December 2023


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